Sunday, July 15, 2012

It was Feb 12, 2012, 6am. I woke up with a story in my head of a runaway tyre that could not find its way to the Recycling Centre. I got out of bed and came straight to this computer I am using now and excitedly started to write the story. Soon I had the outline of a book and the first drawings of five characters that were going to help Tyred (this became its name) on its last journey. The five characters were named Cuptain, Candler, Mrs. Bottler, Paper Pal, and MorganicThe Waste Fighters were born!
It took me few weeks to put all this together and then start the drawings and the layout of the book, The Runaway Tyre. Once the first draft was ready, I asked some help from two great friends, Stephen and Ivan to give me some feedback and ideas to improve the content and design. My wife, Marcella, was also a good and patient helper allowing me to spend precious hours in the evening on my new project instead of sharing a beer and a chat with her. Today, July 15th 2012, after a few months of very hard work, the book is ready and I am setting up this blog which will give support to this first book and the others to come.
Ah, thanks Debbie for helping us!


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